Sunday, November 25, 2012

Communication Evaluation

This weeks assignment allowed me to  gain a better understanding of how I view myself and how others view me as a communicator.
Surprisingly, I came to the conclusion that depending on the type of relationship that I have with individuals determines the way in which they perceive me as a communicator. Consistent communication builds relationships and helps others to understand an individual better. Taking a look at the Communication Anxiety Inventory my husband and friend viewed me as a communicator that has low communication anxiety. Based on their perception of me I feel very comfortable communicating in most situations and feel confident in anticipating such encounters. My self-report defines me as one who feels a bit uneasy in some communication situations. Based on this information I have established that the perception that others may have of me relates to the type of relationship that we may have together. Social interaction is key to developing one’s self concept because when you communicate with others, you  receive evidence that  you can then use to develop, confirm, or change your self-concept(O’Hair & Wiemann,2012). During this week I also gained insight that though our self-concept strongly influences how and when we communicate with others, when we interact with others, we also get impressions from them that reveal how they evaluate us as a person and as a communicator.
O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. (2nd ed.). New York: Bedford/St. Martin's

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