Thursday, October 25, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals


             When I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds my hope is that all children and families are treated with respect and provided with an excellent and quality educational setting that is accepting to their needs. Let children and their families be treated based on their character and not overlooked because of their differences. As an educator I must vow that though I will not agree with many actions and beliefs of others I have made a commitment to provide students with high quality instruction that has been manufactured according to their individual needs.

My goal is to establish a commitment of excellence to all children and families regardless of their race, creed, color, religious background or other diverse characteristics. As a parent and  early  childhood  educator  it  is  my  belief that I not  discriminate and  devalue  what each family  has  to  offer. I must address their individual needs with the intent to teach and meet the needs of the whole child in my care.

I would like to thank all my colleagues for their continued support and words of encouragement. This was definitely an experience in which we all grew and learned about each other together. I wish all my peers the best as they continue to travel through this journey of growth and knowledge. I urge you all to continue to embrace healthy supportive relationships and continue to advocate for all children and their families.

              You must be the change you want to see in the world.-Mahatma Gandhi



  1. Thanks for sharing your hopes and goals. I hope that you are able to accomplish each and every thing that you set forth to accomplish. Our children and families are in need of people like you.

    It has been great communicating with you throughput the duration of this course. I hope to meet up with you again. This really has been an interesting class where I have had the opportunity to learn more about topics that I once thought that I knew so much about.

    Good luck to you with your future endeavors.

  2. It's my hopes as well that each studnet and family is treated with respect. It's very important respect others beliefs and values. Your posting encouraged me to do better....learn others background and culture. Take care and wish you the best of luck!

  3. It is also my hope that each child and family is treated with respect and that I make a difference in their life. I want to be able to give the a learning experience that makes an impact on their life. You do have to be very committed in what you do and have the passion for working in this field. I liked your quote at the end. I want to wish you the best of luck in the future. Great blog.
