Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Few Quotes I Absolutely Love

"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand."
- Chinese proverb

"Now, today, some children are enrolled in excellent programs. Some children are enrolled in mediocre programs. And some are wasting away their most formative years in bad programs....That's why I'm issuing a challenge to our states: Develop a cutting-edge plan to raise the quality of your early learning programs; show us how you'll work to ensure that children are better prepared for success by the time they enter kindergarten. If you do, we will support you with an Early Learning Challenge Grant that I call on Congress to enact."
- President Barack Obama, speaking to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, March 10, 2009

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Mohandas Gandhi

If I know nothing about myself I do know that I love to get lost in servicing my students and family. This quote by Gandhi is what I live by.  


  1. I really really really love that quote. I think I should try losing myself once or twice to really make up in my mind what it is I truly want. Knowing that I have a passion for young children is a start but what I want to do with it is were the question really comes in. This was very helpful and hit me right on the head.

    Thanks, I'm loving this blogging thing now!!! lol

  2. You know I am of love this blogging thing too. Everyone has a calling we just have to listen. There are so many aspects that you can contribute to in the area of Early Childhood. I am pretty sure it will all come together for you. I wish you the best. I guess get lost and you will find your way.
