Sunday, December 9, 2012


I believe that both groups are difficult to adjourn from. When a group has not been successful and goals have not been accomplished it is hard to walk away knowing that the job/project was not completed successfully. Each week the 1st grade team plans lessons for the week. Seldom have these meeting lead to some of confrontation because someone does not want to compromise. They get stuck in their ideas and their way, not the teams’ way. These type of meetings lead to there not being an agreement but to the someone in the team crying and stressed out. This type of reaction makes it hard to continue to a relationship with other who you must work and collaborate with.

High-performing groups are certainly difficult to leave. These forms of groups are so enjoyable that you hate to depart from them.

There has been several closing rituals that I have experienced. Being a part of a sorority in college provided me with a lot of team and planning experiences. Each time graduation came around for a group of our members our hospitality committee would purchase a cake and gift to celebrate them. This was always difficulty as we had all grown close together from attending and conducting meetings and community projects.

I can imagine that adjourning from my colleagues will be an exciting one in which we will all be able to celebrate and reflect on our accomplishments. Adjourning allows us to reflect and evaluate how well the project and team worked. It gives an opportunity to see what adjustments can be made.

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