Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Only You Can Control Your Future

You’ll be on your way up!
You’ll be seeing great sights!
You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.
-Dr. Suess

Encouragement and open collaboration has helped me through this journey, My Journey With Walden. When I began this program, I considered it the start to a new beginning. What was once the beginning is now the end. From all of you I have been inspired and learned more than I could have ever imagined.

The question for me is now where do I go. What new accomplishments will I set out to soar? I wish you all the best and a wealth of success. Some of us will go our separate ways but missions the same, advocating for social change.

Congratulations to All .............Way to go.

Will you join me as I enroll for more? I am strongly considering  furthering my education, enrolling in a Post Master's Educational Specialist program. SEE YA SOON?!!   


  1. Congrats on completing this leg of your journey. Good luck with the post master's program if you choose to enroll.

    "You've got brains in your head and feet in your shoes, steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

  2. Stephanie,

    Yay! We made it! Thank you for such great posts and all of your feedback during the course and the previous courses we had together. Best of luck with the post master's program. I am thinking about taking a little break for now. I am sure you will accomplish numerous things! Be Blessed!

  3. Whooooo HOOOOO! Yes we made it! Thank you for all of your encouragement. I wish you the best on your journey and I know you will do well. I love your quote by the way. We have completed a great program!
