Thursday, November 10, 2011

"I Am Thankful for Band Aids"

"Band Aids"
This picture was created by my 3 year old son P.J.
This Thanksgiving he is thankful for Band Aids. Kids think of the most imaginative things. When I saw this I could only think Band Aids. Band Aids? It makes you think about how as adults we focus so much energy on things that are sometimes so smaller than we think they actually are. We think no Band Aid could fix this problem.
To him a Band Aid cures and solves all. He inspired me to keep a Band Aid with me to remind myself that no matter how big or small things are, (put a Band Aid on it), problems can simply be solved.


  1. This is priceless. Kids do see the world in simple terms. It is a good reminder to us not to take things so seriously all the time. I may make "Thankful for Band Aids" my motto too. Thanks P.J.

  2. Stephanie...I love it! This should be shared with the world as it would be a great tool to use when hurt, sad or even lonely. The thought of putting a bandage on to cure all is a very good stress reliever for me. So Stephanie we are going to start doing that around

    In addition, the illustration is beautiful, it should be framed....
