Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Final Blog Assignment

Teaching is leaving a vestige of one self in the development of another. And surely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious treasures. ~Eugene P. Bertin

This is a quote that I have applied to my teaching profession. As  I continue to proceed through this program I realize that I will forever be a student in which my experiences and the people that I   come in contact with make precious deposits into my knowledge back.

The resources and conversations that my colleagues have shared with me has left a lasting  impression on my  professional career. The research and resources has made me more aware of issues and trends that occur not just around me but across the global. I really enjoyed reading my colleagues Laura Mastroianni post. She always had something very interesting to read on her blog site. I enjoyed reading the conversations that she had with her international contact, Swati the director of TULIPS (The Universal Learning Integrated Program) in Mumbai. Swati proves that the shape of passion for children is the same across the world. A quote of Swati’s that I will forever appreciate is, “A teacher should teach her student how to live life, how to enjoy success and how to endure failure.”

Just as I have learned several things and been inspired by the contact that Miss Laura has had with  Swati; I hope to follow in their same example of continuing to motivate and inspire others about the world of educations.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts(Alternative)—Part 3

Sad to say the up and down communication with my international contact did not  last.  I was really excited about getting to learn more about the Northern Territory of Australia. After over a few weeks of waiting for her to return my email about the questions in regards to this assignment I never received a response from her again. I pray that all is well with her health as I mentioned previously that she had been ill.

So for this reason I was left with the great option of exploring  another  resource, UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education”. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural  Organization seeks to  contribute  to the building of  peace, the eradication of  poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. One of the organizations main objectives is attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning.

Exploring the website, there was so much information to review and discover. Within my  search I  came across the UNESCO Institute for  Statistics which provides cross-nationally comparable  statistics on education, science and technology, culture, and communication for more than 200 countries and territories.

One of our major focuses of this course has been quality child care and educators. In the report Teachers and Educational Quality: Monitoring Global Needs For 2015 chapter 2 discusses teacher training, qualifications and education quality. The report discusses that there are two issues that make the development of cross-nationally comparable indicators of teacher quality difficult, availability of data and uncertainty about the measurable characteristics of effective teachers.  In a number of countries the minimum standard for primary teaching is an upper secondary qualification, typically a specialized program for training teachers which is not designed to lead to studies completed at a university. The entry standards for teaching vary widely across countries.  In a few countries less than one-half of their teachers reach the standard.

The  report  also distinguishes that  many  countries that  have  set  mandates and qualifications are not  meeting  them making  it  difficult to  set cross-nationally comparable. Many countries that are not  meeting their  standards have lowered them to meet qualifications set. Other countries that are meeting  their standards have  raised their  qualifications  with a negative effect that  appears that they are not meeting standards.  This alone has a major impact on the fate of our next  generation as countries are continuously  lowering their standards only  so than can meet them. Another reason that research over the past decade suggests that many developing countries have lowered their standards and qualifications is to control cost.  Many countries are bringing in large numbers of unqualified or less-qualified teachers or by supplementing school capacity with teacher aides and community volunteers. This too has had an effect on lowering the average qualification and experience level of the teaching force. From this report it expanded my knowledge to what  type of education children around the  world receive and why  it  is important  to  continue to  advocated for equity and  equal education for  all children.


http://www.uis.unesco.org/Library/Documents/teachers06-en.pdf  Teachers and Educational Quality: Monitoring Global Needs For 2015, retrieved  June 16, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Excellence and Equity of Care and Education for Children and Families (Part 2: Availability, Accessibility, and Affordability)

This week has been a very hectic one. I have been dedicating 12-13 hours of my day since Sunday to making sure that my center is meeting the needs of all children that attend and that care and quality meet excellent standards.  This course has helped me so far by providing me with current research and policies supporting quality child care.

In our course this week we continued to discuss Excellence and Equity of Care and Education for children and families. As we continue to place focus on the trilemma of child care quality, affordability, and availability as mentioned in the article, The child care trilemma: How moral orientations influence the field, I found myself wanting to gain insight on what the parents themselves want  from a center or a facility. ChildCare Aware of America formally NACCRRA- has dedicated a section of their website to the parent perspectives. This section can be located in one of their main categories Public Policy. The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, has conducted  several national parent  poll that  focus  on understanding  what parents  look for  in child care, the  assumptions that  make  about  licensed  centers, the  availability  of  care  that  they  have in their area, and current  policies they  would  support to  strengthen quality  child  care. On study conducted  to better understand parents’ views and experiences in the current economy regarding child care, as well as the types of changes they support to improve the quality and availability of affordable child care, NACCRRA  conduct a nationwide telephone survey of 1,000 parents with children under the age of 12; The Economy’s Impact on Parents’ Choices and Perceptions About Child Care completed September 2010.The survey concluded that many  families are  still  struggling are  worse off than they were  before. The survey shows that 31 percent of parents rate affordable child care as the most important factor in helping working families. The  greatest concern when  parents  were  asked  to  identify their single greatest concern about  child care  nearly  four  in  10 chose  quality  as  their highest  concern for  their  children’s care, the  cost  of  care  is  their  second  biggest  concern.  Fifty  one  percent  of  families  with  children  under the  age  5 say  that  they  worried  at  least  some  of  the  time  about  paying  their bills. Many  families also  worried that  they  total family  income  would not  be  enough  to  meet  their  family ‘s expenses and  bills  worrying  about  being  able  to  afford  child  care. Due  to  many  parents  economic  situation more  than one in 10 said  that  they  have  had to  move  their  children to  be  closer to relatives for their help or moved their  child to  a  child care  setting  of  lower  quality.  Though  most  parents were  experiencing  difficulty  many of  them  still  were willing to support increased funding  for  child care to improve quality  care even if it  increased  their  taxes by  10 dollars a year. The study concluded with NACCRRA making recommendations to Congress and the states. Some of them where: Require that inspection results and substantiated complaints be publicly posted on the Internet so that parents have access to current, accurate information and can make informed choices about child care, require all paid providers caring for unrelated children every week (like a business) to be licensed, and  require 40 hours of initial training (before working with children or within the first few months) and 24 hours of annual training,(Training should include child development, guidance and discipline, CPR/first-aid, recognizing child abuse and neglect, and related health and safety issues).  This survey shows that regardless of families economic situation the value of quality care is still a very important indicator of child care.

Lash, M., & McMullen, M. (2008). The child care trilemma: How moral orientations influence the field. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 9(1), 36–48. Retrieved from http://www.wwwords.co.uk/pdf/freetoview.asp?j=ciec&vol=9&issue=1&year=2008&article=5_Lash_CIEC_9_1_web

Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

It has been a task to stay in contact with my professional contact over the course of the last few weeks. Last week was more successful than others. My professional connection contacted me with the sad news that she has been ill. I finally got to get to know more about the young lady that I have been afraid that  I would never get to communicate with again.

Cheryl is married and has two children and three grandchildren. She is 45 years old and has been working in this area for 20 years. Mostly for not for profit Child Care Centres. She currently has a advance Diploma  in Children Services and is currently studying for her Bachelor  in early childhood/ children Services and also studying for her training and assessing certificate which allows her  to train educators in this field.

She also provided information about the current position she holds.

The current Centre she is working at as the Director has been opened for 25 years as a community based Child Care Centre and the building is owned by our local council. The community of Gray is in a low socio-economic area. The Centre is next to the primary school of Gray which includes an early learning centre. The age group of the school is from 4 years to 12 years and our centre age groups are from 6 months to 5 years. As a not for profit centre I have to fundraise for all our little extras.

Though the information for Cheryl has been delayed I am slowly getting to know more about her.

She even asked if we could Skype one day!

Contact Information:
Cheryl Anderson
Gray Child Care Centre Inc
8 Victoria Dr.Gray